This is Joseph, from Temasek Polytechnic From Applied Science School, Diploma is Applied Food Science and Nutrition, Okay this is not graded so don't have to write so detail, anyway She say cannot write birthday so must be also can disclose my age la. Any way I stay far away from TP, so Far, I hate taking the bus, but MRT is too expensive.
However, I prefer to take bus cause is cheaper.
I prefer to work Noise-less, so that I can think proberly, and in group wk if U don't think U want to cooperate, pls tell me, don't get me irritated, so that I can alcate the job to (100) some one else.
- Try to keep me inform about the meetings
- Be punctual, if not make a phone call
- Please not make stupid excuses to go away from meetings
- Project come first THANK YOU
- Time slot fixed for Project is FOR Project, PLEASE do not do anything else
Ok, anything else I will add on to the list
O ya, When I mean Process Raw data, I MEAN PUT THEM INTO PROPER REPORT FROMAT dont change Font Here, change para, and not data process not done with all the SHORT FORMs and Typo error That I made.
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